"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

Does your company or organization value Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement? Now is the time to establish yourselves as a member of the ‘Litter-free Raleigh Community’ when you partner with The Great Raleigh Cleanup! Check out the options for joining The Great Raleigh Cleanup for a Volunteer Service Day

Our Services

  • Let us host up to 25 volunteers from your organization. With a TGRC representative on site, we will provide all supplies as well handle the disposal of litter collected and as well as provide an impact report and cleanup photos. This service has a $1000 fee.

    Optional donation on top of event fee will allow us to expand our impact in the areas of environmental stewardship and sustainability.

  • If the TGRC Lead event does not work for your group, we still want you to make an impact. As a part of our Adopt the Block program, we can lend you the supplies you need to cleanup an area of Raleigh. Your organization will be responsible for supply pickup and drop off as disposal of litter collected. We only ask that you snap a couple photos and completion of our impact form. This service comes with a $250 fee.

  • Any and everyone is welcome to join our volunteer events. Follow our Meetup group for upcoming events and opportunities to make an impact.